Why Mobile Prepaid Recharge Plans are for 28 days?
Have you ever wondered why do INDIAN TELECOM OPERATORS offer their services with 28 Days validity, not 30/31 days??
In every Monthly recharge, i.e. After completion of 28 Days validity, You are either left with 2 or 3 days, except February.
~ Total Days in a Year = 366 or 365 Days
~ Recharge Validity Period = 28 Days
~ 365/28 = 13 Bills / Per Year
when you do recharge for 28 Days, You feel it’s for the whole month, You feel like you recharge 12 times in 12 months, BUT YOU RECHARGE 13 TIMES IN A YEAR.
For Telecom Companies, 28 days of validity is just a smart trick to increase prices. This is known as Revenue Maximization. With this Strategy, Companies make a profit in one month by extracting more money from customers.
So, If you can afford it, always try to go with Half-yearly or yearly recharge plans.